Hey everybody! This blog is probably the best thing you will ever read. Hands down. I'm serious. Are you pissed off at someone, or something? Well, If you come here, I'm sure that somewhere in the blog, you can and probably will find something to relate to, since EVERYTHING pisses me off. So, in lieu of the First Amendment, there IS going to be a slew of things that you probably will not agree with, and will PROBABLY not fit your morals either.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Dead Guy at Disney!!!

While we were minding our business in Epcot, we were about to go back to the hotel, but first, we decided to make a quick trip to the Coca-Cola store to taste the awesome pops from around the world. ON our way, we noticed an old man lying on the grass near the place. So, like whole-hearted citizens, we took photos. Some nearby kids told us that he was poked by a staff member, and did not wake up. So, we got a cool memento. Dead, drunk, asleep. It's your call.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...