I decided to update twice today, since it's been ages since an update.
Anyway, as the constant slew of reality TV shows build up to a climax, Kid Nation jumps in the fray. Oh great, I thought, another dumb reality show created by the government to keep you completely brain dead and unaware of REAL reality. Boy, was I right!
The premise of Kid Nation, or KN, as the ultra-sexy logo flashes on the commercials, is that people who sniffed paint too much and shot way too much heroin wanted to see how 40 kids can handle living on their own. Sound pretty familiar, huh?
But get this (record scratch) -- IT'S IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! IN A GHOST TOWN!
Wow. That's pretty cool. I mean, I thought the show would be a little promising. I mean, I was looking forward to seeing kids eating manure, goring each other with pitchforks, and dying of dysentery, the cheeky bastards. But no. All I saw was a bunch of whiny, sub-retarded wastes of sperm trying to open doors without hitting their heads.
Kids doing what they are best for--manual labor.
The first episode was pretty stupid. I'll recap it for you. This Jewish kid spun a dreidel all day and talked to himself. A little boy was a wimp and cried. The leaders consisted of Apu from the Simpsons, a ginger kid, a kid with cerebral palsy, and some other girl. Well that was the gist of it. I think that kid had CP but I'm not so sure. Oh what the fuck who cares.
Anyway, on the second episode, they decided that they were to kill chickens. I was like WTF? They were eating frozen hash browns and mac and cheese in the first episode, and all of a sudden they have to kill for food? Obviously the writers planted this idea in their head, since they wrote it in this faux-diary of these "settlers" that stayed in "Bonanza City", since it is a real place and all.
Well, I didn't watch, because I am an animal lover. I mean, I'm not some wimpy-ass vegetarian or anything, I just can't watch violence against animals. I can watch humans die, but not animals. I think it's because humans are all assholes. Animals can't be since they have no malicious intent.
Anyway, these brats aren't really alone since the cameramen are there and this pedophile guy tells them what to do now and then, so why kill the chickens?
I'll tell you why. It's because these idiotic producers have no plan for this show. They ran out of ideas the second after they thought of the show. After you take out the real danger, survival, and fears by filming and supervising them slightly, the show sucks. So these writers have to make things fresh by showing America what it wants to see. Survival, death, killing, murder, tears, and sorrow.
I hope that these kids all die from salmonella. Either that or the rest of the chickens should peck their eyes out and shit in the eye-holes.
Little dicks.
Hey everybody! This blog is probably the best thing you will ever read. Hands down. I'm serious. Are you pissed off at someone, or something? Well, If you come here, I'm sure that somewhere in the blog, you can and probably will find something to relate to, since EVERYTHING pisses me off. So, in lieu of the First Amendment, there IS going to be a slew of things that you probably will not agree with, and will PROBABLY not fit your morals either.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Kid Nation! AKA Dicky Little Bastards Who Can't Even Wipe Their Own Ass
Posted by
2:06 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You idiots are completely ignorant.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University a few days ago, and everything that resulted from it was highly expected. Of course, there was a constant stream of Neo-Con bullshit, which was understandable. Well, I missed the live feed, so I watched the video on YouTube.
Now, I don't support the Iranian president, but I think his time in the United States could have been a hell of a lot better. Firstly, he tried to lay a wreath at ground zero, which was immediately denied. What the hell is wrong with this country? Do we seriously distrust people that much that we can't accommodate a simple sign of human compassion?
Secondly, the president was asked a bunch of questions at Columbia U. You'd think, at any college, the students and staff would have knowledgeable questions that have academic and intuitive aims. WRONG. All the questions for the president were completely idiotic. It was like FOX news was paying the kids to say this shit.
Here's a pic of some of the kids who asked questions.
They even had the audacity to boo him. Great. Boo a leader of a middle eastern country, treat him like shit, don't let him show us he cares about 9/11, thats fine. Just don't come running to me when planes fly into shit. The whole trip to him must have shown him that Americans are stupid, ignorant assholes with no dignity.
I mean, who really is better? Bush or Mahmoud? I don't think we're in any position to judge others' countries, since ours is such a sack of shit. Katrina, the "war" on "terrorism", finding Osama Bin Laden.... It's a big shitload of failure. And we have the audacity to grill someone from a country our Administration is so scared of.
I'm quite sure Mahmoud is going to go home with a big smile on his face. "Man, those Americans are so accepting and so nice. They should poke their noses into everyone's business--that's how nice they are!"
Yeah right. If we get attacked in the near future, don't run around like chickens with their heads cut off. You deserved it.
Posted by
4:55 AM